
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Numbered peg board...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Saturday!  I want to share with you one of the items I've been working on for the next craft fair.  The fair is next weekend and I can't believe it's almost here!  And that it's the last one of the season for me!  Even after the fair is over, I won't be finished yet as I have about 7 orders that I need to fill.  Some large and some small, but luckily my clients have been patient with me. 
This is made from a recycled baseboard and pieces from a broken chair.
I added the numbers instead of a sign since it was long and there wasn't much room for words.
I haven't made one with numbers before and I like how it turned out.  I painted it black and the numbers in white.  I alternated the larger peg with the smaller to give it an interesting look.  I will be taking this next weekend and hopefully it will find a new home.  Thanks for stopping by!

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