
Thursday, April 21, 2011

A green sign...

 Hi Everyone!  Have I mentioned my love of signs?  Well, I think I have a sign problem.  I love signs.  I love to make signs.  I could make a new sign every day.  Okay, maybe not every day.  But several a week.  This one is a little different than my other signs.  It's green.  The picture does not do the green paint justice.  It's a very pretty leaf green color. 
I made this the same as all my other signs.  I found the right size board from my stash of recycled wood.  Sanded it, painted it black, then painted a light coat of white, but then I did something different.  I was looking at my paint and saw the green.  And since I had already picked out the saying, green was perfect.  So I put a light coat of green over the white, let it dry and then went to town with my sander.  Since I had to go through two coats of paint to get down to the black, while leaving some of the white showing and of course the perfect green, it took me longer to sand and I was more careful with the sander.
When it was finally perfect, I drew the letters on, and then painted them white.  I let it dry and wasn't happy with the white.  It was missing something.  Then it hit me, the white letters needed a black shadow.
So I got out my smallest paint brush and painted the shadow in black.  I'm very happy with the final product.  Did I tell you I love signs?  I have a couple more that are almost done to show you later in the week.  Well, thanks for stopping by.


  1. super job! I do not have the patience for this! I love signs too, but the easy way!

  2. How big is this? I can't seem to get a size perspective. It's lovely - I love signs too but have never attempted making one! All of yours are done very nicely!

  3. Kathy-
    The size is approximately 5 1/2 x 24". Thanks for your nice comments.

  4. OHHHH! I love it! The black shadow on the letters really makes it pop. I can't believe you did it by hand! I have been wanting to paint a sign for above my sink and I think I am copying yours! I even have some bright green paint!! I may need to use stencils though, and I am afraid of that black shadow, but just maybe I will give it a try!


  5. I just love how your sign came out....really like the green color. I'm with you on lovin' signs...I'm addicted to them too. A fun way to express addition to blogging:-) I am happy to be your newest Follower. Hope you are having a wonderful Easter,
