
Saturday, April 9, 2011

White Bench...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Saturday!  I hope you have great plans for the weekend.  I thought I'd share with you the bench I made for a small patio in my yard.  This bench is made entirely out of recycled and scrap pieces.  I'm still working on the chippy look, but thought I'd share it with you anyway.  Don't mind the dead grass in between the cracks of the patio.  I haven't gotten to my yard work yet, the wind has just been roaring lately.  I live on top of a hill out in the country and the sights are beautiful, but when the winds blows, you'd swear the house is going to come down around you.

I got the inspiration of this bench from a Pottery Barn catalog that came out a couple of years ago (am I the only one who keeps their PB catalog for inspiration?).  I liked the open feel to it yet you can sit on either side and enjoy the view from any direction (that's one advantage to living on a hill-hence the name Full Circle Farm and how Full Circle Creations came to be).  Well, thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love it! That's just smart! Pottery Barn IS a great source of inspiration -- but I suspect they're getting THEIR inspiration from us junkers. ;)

  2. Great job! I'm going to be making a bench for my yard too. I made one last year (shutters) but I left it out over the winter and it didn't quite make it.
    Love your bench.
    I, like midge wonder do we copy the catalogs or do they copy us?
    have a great weekend,
