
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Art work....

Hi Everyone!  Happy Thursday!  I hope everyone is having a great day.  The sun is out here and the wind has died down to a nice breeze.  It's turning into a nice spring day.  We haven't had too many of those around here.  I live on top of a big hill and the wind has seemed extra harsh since there's no hiding from it.  Yesterday I could barely get the back door open to take the dogs out.  I hope the weather is good in your neck of the woods. 

I was cleaning out a closet and came across this flat box that I have been moving around with me since high school, so I thought I'd share what was inside with you as I don't have any new projects to reveal yet.  I'm still working on my new kitchen island, along with a few to be named later projects.

I'm sorry about the quality of the pictures, it was hard to get just the right amount of lighting.  The pencil sketches were done by yours truly when I was in junior high and I did the water color peppermint candies and dish when I was in high school.  The last time I had these out of that box was at least 15 years ago.  I'm glad I kept them and maybe some day I'll do something with them besides storing them in that box.  I also found several rolled up pastels that I did in high school, but I haven't gotten them out yet, I'll save those for another day. 

Hopefully I'll have some new projects to share soon.  Thanks for stopping by.

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