
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Two down, one to go....

Hi Everyone!  Happy Wednesday!  Once again I've been MIA but I'm now ready to show you the other bench I've been working on.  This one was ordered by a girl for her mother.  I finished it on Monday and she came by last night to get it.  It is to go in the entry way of their farm house.  I just hope that her mom likes it. 
The funny thing about the headboards used to make this bench is that they were both headboards without  their foot boards.  I got them at two completely different times, from two completely different sources.  And to my amazement, they had the same lines to them.  And appeared as though they would look good together.
I had to cut down the legs of the spindle headboard so that the arms would be at a decent height.
I like how the arm is open and not solid, it makes it a bit more feminine, even in all black.
 My mom made the cushion for me.  The fabric looks like a quilt which is a little countryish without screaming country at you.  The gal that ordered it wasn't really into home decor so trying to come up with the right combination was a little work, but after getting her to "paint" me a picture of where it was going, this seemed to fit.  I just hope that her mom agrees.
I handpainted the letters of their farm name onto the back.  It took several layers of white to cover up the black paint, especially since the black paint is satin (it doesn't soak in very well), and then I put a coat of matte finish protective spray (not exactly poly) over the letters.  I'm happy with how it turned out, I just hope my client's mother is happy.  One of these days I'll remember to take the camera out to the shop while I'm building one of these.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Looks great! I love a good bench painted black! :)
    I'm sure she's going to LOVE it!

  2. Very nice! It will be treasured, I'm sure.

  3. Great piece! I love the stencil job on the back. A nice personal touch. I have been wanting to do something on my partner's benches but he can't plan around me an it's too challenging to do it on the vertical like that when it is done. I'm thinking carpal tunnel.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Thanks Bethanie! It's actually not a stencil on the back of this bench. I hand painted those letters on. It was a little tricky because I actually do it upside down with the bench on it's back when it's all done.

  5. Just beautiful! Great job! Thank you so much for linking up to "It's a Party"!

  6. Ah saw these at canton and have been wanting one! Super cute!

    Tiffany, I blog over at:
