
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Book Birdhouse...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Thursday!  My mother is on the board of her local library and one of the things she is responsible for is decorating the reading area at the front of the library.  She decorates it for the four seasons, no specific holidays.  She asked me if I could make her a book birdhouse.  She provided me with the book she wanted me to use and I built it and then she decorated it with the bird, nest and the nesting in the openings.

I built the birdhouse out of wood and painted the base of it black before attaching it to the house.  Then I took out the pages I was going to use on the sides and Modge Podge'd them to the sides.  I then glued the pages of the book together before attaching it.  I added the little perches to the front  and my mom added the nest and bird.  I built the entire thing out of scrap wood and the book my mom got at the library book sale.  I think it turned out great, my mom loves it as do the library board members.  Although I do feel kind of bad for taking apart a perfectly good book, gluing it's pages together and nailing to the top of the bird house.  But at least this way that book will always be at the library, you just won't be able to read it.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. That is seriously cute! I saw a book birdhouse once that was made entirely out of folded paper. The body was round, so the pages kind of fanned out in a big circle. Then the top was kind of an open cone out of paper. If you could figure out how to make THAT I would be forever grateful! :-)

  2. OK, I'm not really insane. But I found the birdhouse I was looking for. Not quite what I remembered, but this is it:
    Thought it might be another fun addition in your display!

  3. too cute! I love how you did this birdhouse. I also like the ones on the link that Korrie left.

  4. So freakin awesome! I am making this for a friends birthday! You rock!
