
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hay and water...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Sunday!  My nephew and I are still working on our projects in spite of the rain.  We finally got the last of the hay put up.  The following pictures are of the hay after it has been raked, but before it has been baled.  I just love how it looks.  The different shades of color.  And how dark it the grass is at the bottom which you can't see when the grass is standing (sunlight doesn't get down to it because the grass was so high).  This will all turn green very quickly, especially after the rain we've had the last couple of days.

I'd show you the pictures of it all baled, but it's been raining so I keep forgetting to take my camera out.  Now we'll just have to pick up the bales and move them so they are stored close together.  We got 70 large bales off the hay ground this spring.  That's a big load off my dad's shoulders.  It takes a lot to get the hay done and we didn't even do all the areas that we could of, some places are just too tight to get the equipment into or the grass in that area isn't the greatest or the weather wasn't cooperating.  But at least it's done. 

My nephew Quinton on a hay bale.
Here's my dog Bailey up on one of the hay bales. 

I don't know if you've seen the news of the flooding Missouri river which is affecting the area I live in.  They have evacuated everyone in my county that lives west of I-29 and all the traffic is now going through town and by the farm.  Thank goodness the farm isn't too close to the flooding Missouri river and it's up on a hill overlooking town, so a lot of things would have to go wrong before the waters reached me.  Including the fact that the town would be underwater!  But the Nishnabotna River is starting to rise and it feeds into the Missouri so there is a chance it would overflow it's banks which it did two years in a row a couple of years ago and kept me cut off from town for a few days.  So that is always a possibility.  But we've got a ways to go before that happens.    Have a great rest of the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I do hope the flooding doesn't affect you - that would be so sad after all your hard work. Well done for getting it done!! It's so lovely to hear about this part of your life - so different from anything I know!!

