
Friday, June 10, 2011

A window to nowhere...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Friday!  I'm still in the middle of a couple of projects and don't have anything new to share.  But I was looking through some pictures trying to find some of my step-nephew when I came across some pictures of the farm the spring of my second year here.  So I thought I would share with you one of the things I made. 

There was a shed up by the back side of the house that everyone called the cat shed.  Grandpa stored things in it and Grandma feed the cats in it.  There was a small cut out in the door where the cats would enter.  That shed has since been moved (my first year here I discovered a family of skunks living under it and had to take matters into my own hands to eliminate that problem, but that's a story for another time).  But inside that shed I found an old window.  I don't know where it came from because it didn't match the windows on the house (one of the original windows is still upstairs as it's the only way to get furniture in and out of the second floor).

And my mom's double cousin (I'll refer to her as my aunt) (in case you don't know what a double cousin is - it's someone that is related on both sides of your family tree - in this case twin sisters married brothers and their offspring are cousins on both sides) was redoing her father's home and had removed the shutters he had made and so kindly offered them to me.  So I took them apart and used some of the wood to make my own shutters.
Then I found some scrap plywood and built a planter box (it's hard to see in this picture).  Painted it all and hung it on the side of the garage.  Way back when, this garage had two windows on this side (I remember them as a child) and my grandpa covered them up after one of them broke.  It was such a plain wall that I had to do something to dress it up.
I also added the pavers and the retaining blocks to make a tree ring.  Partly because I wanted to dress the area up and partly because it was a hassle to mow.  And the hard scape changed that, plus gave a path to the backdoor.
And here it is now.  The paint is chipping off which just adds to it's character.  In fact, I like it better this way.  I don't have any plants in the box because they don't do very well there, plus the cats trample them as they like to lay across the box. 

I need to go exploring in the barn or the shed and find some old rusty items to put in the box.....I'll add that to my to do it.  Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Holly! Looking forward to seeing some of your new projects, but love the window to nowhere :) Dressing it up with some rusty barn objects would be fun! Smart move on the pavers too, I am going to do that around by my garage door...just waiting for a minute to do it! Busy summer so far!
