
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11...

Hi Everyone!  It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the 9/11 attacks.  I was working as a Manager for a Telecom Company and I was sitting in a training class when news of the first tower came to us via our pagers.  We had telephone equipment in the towers and some employees working there.  My manager paged me that I should just stay in class and they would page us if we were needed.  It was difficult to know that things were happening and to be out of the loop.  When class was over and I headed back to my office building, the security was higher already and my employees were very glad to have me back in the office.
By the time I got home from work, all I could do was sit in front of the television and watch playback of the things I'd missed learning about while I was in class.  It was strange to be alone in my apartment, watching it all  unfold.  It seemed like a horrible movie that wouldn't end.  I talked with my parents several times that night and was thankful we were all safe even though we weren't together.  I'm still amazed at the stories of heroic measures and patriotism that came out of that tragedy.  I am honored to be an American.  Here's to those that lost their lives that day, to the first responders that ran into the building to help, and to the troops that fight for our freedom.  Thank you!

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