
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Craft Fair in Review...

Hi Everyone!  I hope  you are having a great day!  I'm busy working on things for the next fair and don't have anything ready to show you yet, so I thought I'd just show you pictures from the last craft fair.  I don't know if I've said this yet, but I had a really great day!  I sold four benches, a bunch of trees, all but three of my hand painted signs, several sheet music wreaths, the storage box/coffee table with the walnut stained top, both painted windows, and both frames with clips (message/picture center).  We had more display pieces to carry back out than we had boxes of stuff left.
The only thing that didn't sell that I thought if they were going to sell would be at this craft fair were the wedding and tux ironing boards.  I get tons of great comments on them, but no buyers.  I just might have to find a place in my house for them to go until next year if they don't sell at this next fair.  Well, thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Sounds like you had great success! I'm so happy that it went well.

  2. yippeee! so happy for your success! Good luck with the next one!
