
Monday, November 7, 2011

Sheet music wreaths and ornaments...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Monday!  I've been busy getting ready for the craft fair this weekend and one of the things I've been making are sheet music wreaths and ornaments.  I first made these last year and they were a big hit and I've made them for every craft fair since and they go over very well.  So I thought I'd show some of the ones I'm taking to this fair.  Sorry about the pictures.  I always hang them in my dining room until I'm ready to box them up and unfortunately the walls are all antique white, so the wreaths don't show up as well in the pics. 

I make large, medium, and small wreaths and ornaments.
And I love how they all turn out looking different, yet similar.
I like the double row wreaths and the single row. 
I've even made tree toppers.
I know that sheet music wreaths are all over blogland and I'm not showing you anything you haven't seen before, but I enjoy making them and it seems that my customers enjoy them too.  They are great "filler" pieces in my booth at craft fairs since most of booth is filled with furniture pieces.  The sheet music I've been using is all from 1891-1893.  It has great color and the pages are in really great shape.  A few folded edges and a couple of small tares on a few pages, but nothing terrible.  And one of the things I love are the hand written notes on the sheets.  With instructions on how to play it or to learn this piece.  It was obviously used by a piano teacher.  I just wish I had taken some pictures of the notes.  But I've used the last sheet of music, which makes me a bit sad, but the really great news, is my Aunt Barb has already found some more for me and is sending it to me.  So thank you very much Aunt Barb!  I can't wait to get it!  Well, thanks for stopping by. 

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