
Friday, December 2, 2011

Farewell and Good luck to my nephew...

Hi Everyone!  Well, my nephew was here.  And we had a wonderful time.  I took a few pictures of the Christmas tree at Union Station in Kansas City while we were waiting for his train to arrive.

And here is my nephew and Dad minutes after he got off the train.  I hadn't seen him in person for almost two years.  And it was two years too long.  It's hard to believe he's 18 and joining the Marines in a matter of days.
And here he is with my mom shortly after we got him home.  We had a great time.  Played lots of games.  He loves to play card games or the tile game (as my Mom calls it).  We laughed a bunch and just enjoyed having him here.  He helped Dad do some chores around their house and helped Dad and I move some farm equipment back into storage.  Which was a lot of help, especially after the tongue of the hay rack landed on my foot leaving me to hobble along.  It's not broken just bruised really bad!!  And boy did it hurt!  The swelling is coming down which is good, but it's made it difficult to get orders filled.  So hopefully this weekend I can get caught up.  Mom and Dad took him to meet my sister-in-law so he can spend time with his Dad before he leaves for Marine boot camp on December 12th.  I will miss him and wish him well on this new phase of his life.  Good luck Ridge and be safe!  I know you'll make a great Marine!

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