
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An addiction...

Hi Everyone.  My name is Holly and I have an addiction....
 to these little felt birds and frames....
 I knew I had an addiction to building benches...of which I need to make one....
 but I never thought this would become an addiction for me....
then of course I had to change it up by replacing one of the cream birds with a red one... 
 and I couldn't stop taking pictures...
 does anyone know of a support group for this....
if so can you tell me where to find it? 

I'm not really addicted, but I do think they are cute.  I think this one is going up on my wall.  I love the burlap background.  And I think the birds are so sweet.  I promise to get over this soon.  But they are so cute....I have some in blue that I haven't used yet...but I'm going to put them away....maybe...Thanks for stopping by.


  1. You can stop any time you want to--and build a bench, I'm sure ;-) These are seriously cute! I love fat birds.

  2. Very cute - i Love burlap :)

  3. Oh just love these my friend. Hope you have an amazing day

    Always Wendy

  4. Those birds are just too cute! :) Love 'em on the burlap! Now get to work on a bench! hahaha

  5. I love your little birds! I could become addicted to them too. I'm your newest follower. I hope you can pop over to Cottage and Creek and follow back.

  6. Super cute! My addiction is to burlap!

  7. Stopping over from Funky Junk. I love your little birds. Do you freehand the bird or did you have a template. Birds are perfect for any time of the year. Love the burlap background. So cute, and easy to swap out colors for the time of year. My fingers are crossed that you will share this adorable bird craft at Sunday's Best party tonight, sharing is a good thing!

  8. These are so cute!!! Gives me an idea for a little Valentines Day project.
