
Saturday, January 14, 2012

My heart...

Hi Everyone!  It's the weekend!  YEAH!  I hope you all have great things planned for the weekend.  I have projects to work on and a couple of things to take care of for my parents otherwise nothing big planned.  And hopefully no vehicle drama!  Especially since I now have two vehicles that I can drive.  Since the snowbirds have flown the coop, I have Dad's truck out at the farm, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Since Valentine's Day is a month away, I thought I would share this simple heart wreath that I made.  I'm usually not into celebrating Valentine's Day since it's just me, but I thought I'd do something for it anyway and this is what I came up with.
 I had gotten this styrofoam heart a while ago.  I don't remember what I got it for or what I paid for it, but I don't imagine it was that much.  I got some red cotton fabric at Wal-Mart that was on clearance.  I think I paid $2 for 2 1/2 yards (it was the end of the bolt).
 I cut a couple of thin strips off the fabric so I could wrap the heart and cover the styrofoam.  Then I cut the fabric into wider strips and cut those into squares/rectangles of various sized.  Next I folded the square in half and then half again (sorry no picture of this part) and then using my trusty glue gun and some straight pins, I attached the folded squares to the heart.  I used the pins to hold the squares in place so I wouldn't have to hold them or get burned from the heat of the glue. 
I continued attaching the squares until the heart was completely covered.

 And this is how it turned out.

 I didn't think the side looked finished enough, so I added a strip of ribbon to it and made the hanger out of the same ribbon.
 I just happened to have the ribbon in my ribbon drawer and it just happened to match the red fabric perfectly!  It was fate!
 I think the white dots are a little unexpected.  It doesn't scream Valentine's Day but it works.
I have it hanging on my bathroom door right now.  And it's the only Valentine's Day decoration in my house.  So do you decorate your home for Valentine's Day?  Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great weekend friends.


  1. Cute! I haven't done ANYthing Valentine's Day yet--but I do have an idea or two...

  2. It sure does work...very pretty. Don't you love projects where you can use up what you already have and get the rest for next to nothing?

  3. So creative and cute! It would be great to have you join me at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  4. Thanks so much for bringing your post to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beautiful heart wreath. I would love for you to join the weekly linky fri-monday at Bacon Time. I am also hosting a Valentine contest starting this Monday, and your Valentine linked posts could win you some fab prizes. Hope to see you soon.

    LOL, I left an earlier message not realizing I was signed in as my son Joshua. :)

  7. I love the look of your wreath. It's so pretty! Would you be willing to link up at my Valentine Link Party going on now? I'd love to have you!

  8. Your wreath turned out great! I love projects with hot glue and fabric :) Awesome job! Visiting from Craft-O-Maniac's linky party :)

    Happy Valentine's Day,

  9. Thanks so much for linking up to my Valentine Link Party! I appreciate you doing that!

  10. Very cute!! I'm stopping by from Homemaker on a Dime linky party and your newest follower. Love your lab pics too!! Our fur baby Holly is a yellow lab.

    Here is what I shared this week:

  11. I love your wreath! The texture is a new twist, love it!!
    I would love for you to come and link this to my party, I have a giveaway on the same page too!!

  12. I love the look you created the Valentine look with just strips of fabric! Very cost effective! And I think the ribbon was just the right touch! Thanks so much for linking up to the Be Mine Bonanza event!
