
Saturday, February 11, 2012

25 Things....

I've been reading everyone's 25 thing lists and I decided to play along.  Here's my list in no particular order....

1.  My birthday is 2/24.  I will be 40.  And proud of it.
2.  I am single and do not have children.
3.  I always said I wouldn't get married and that I would only adopt children, not have them.
4.  I am adopted.  I was in foster care until I was 10 months old and these wonderful people came and rescued me.  I am forever grateful.
5.  My name use to be Rhonda Jean.  Holly Michelle is so much more fitting for me.  Thanks Mom and Dad!
6.  I have lived in four states...IA, MO, CO (several times) and WA.  I miss Colorado.  But have moved more times than I care to remember.  I'm not moving anymore if I can help it.
7.  I went to Mexico on an exchange trip when I was 17.
8.  It was my first plane ride.
9.  My first trip out of the country.  I lived with a family and went to school through a language exchange program.  My parents only agreed to let me go if I paid for it myself (I think they thought I wouldn't go then).  I never called home or sent a postcard while I was there.  It was so much harder then to find a phone to use and I didn't want to run out of money.
10.  I graduated from college in three years.  I got a B.S. in Psychology and a Minor in History.  I have worked at only one job for six months in my field of study.  It was not meant to be.  I should have gone to an art college or done graphic design or business or something else.
11.  I have gone back to school several times while trying to decide what I want to be when I grew up.
12.  My closest friend has the same exact birth date as I do.  She is 12 hours older.  I didn't meet her until after we both moved to Colorado and were working for the same telecom company.  How weird is that.
13.  I have 2 chocolate lab dogs.  Bo and Bailey.  Bailey sleeps downstairs (protecting the house) and Bo sleeps right beside me, protecting me.
14.  I live on the family farm.  In the same house that my mother grew up in.  The farm has only been in the family since 1953 but the house was built in the 1880's.  I love the history that goes along with it.
15.  I love to read but can't seem to find the time these days
16.  I love to watch movies.  I can watch a movie over and over again. 
17.  I want to open my own store.  Or find a partner and open one together.  (I almost didn't want to put this down.  That little fear monger inside doesn't want me to say it out loud.)
18.  Growing up my brother was my best friend.  Until we moved to town.  He had guys his own age or older to hang with.  I missed him until we were both almost adults.
19.  I am reserved.  Until I get to know you and then watch out.  Some people think it's shyness but it's not...I just need to see how you are and who you are before I let you in.  Some people take it as though I'm stuck up...but I don't.  And I have been working on trying to over come this my entire life!  I think it is rooted in the first year of my life.
20.  I hate to clean.  HATE IT!  And I have allergies to most cleaning supplies unless it's all natural and then it can't be scented at all.
21.  I have allergies to dust, dander, perfume, heavy chemical smells (basically anything with a powerful smell), pollen, grass.....I could go on and on.  But I love to be outside despite it.
22.  I work as a bookkeeper in a plumbing shop.  Before this I was the Scale Master at a Grain Elevator (3 different elevators).
23.  I wear the same type of things everyday.  My parents refer to it as my uniform.  T-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes.  Or t-shirt, jean shorts and tennis shoes.  When it's cool or cold a hoodie on top of my t-shirt.  In the winter I sometimes add a flannel shirt and hiking boots instead of tennis shoes.  Is this wrong of me? 
24.  I use to be a manager at a mid size telecom company.  I had three teams that reported to me.  I was on call 24 hours a day.  I got called in the middle of the night because the VP of the US didn't have phone service on his ranch.  I was climbing the corporate ladder.  I wore business suits.  I made a good living.  I was miserable.
25.  I am happy now.  I'm poor (less money) and I work all the time but I'm happy.  And isn't that what it's all about?....

Now, that's probably more than you ever wanted to know about me.  I just looked back at my list and boy is it wordy.  I'd try to find some pics to go with it, but that would just make it longer.  I don't blame you if you just skipped over it.  Thanks for stopping by.

Linking to Perfectly Imperfect


  1. #17: I understand.

    #20 & #21: Just your luck!


  2. I love to read, and probably have spent too much time doing it lately--that means I don't get anything else done! I think having space in a shop would be fun, but I'm afraid of the commitment. I'm glad you're happy ;-)

  3. What a lovely post. I think your career switch was a very healthy move for you, much better uniform anyway!! You are very lucky to live on your family farm with all the freedom from the city....some of us live in the city, but are country girls at heart! Diane

  4. HOLLY!!! I couldn't believe that you have celebrations on the 24th too. hahaha What a small world indeed! My 27th wedding anniversary is actually the day before on the 23rd too, so it's looking like this is one huge party indeed. :) Hope you can join us and share about you and your friend celebrating on same dates too.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Much love!!!

  5. As far as your post, I really enjoyed reading it. I love to watch movies too and can watch them over and over. As far as #25, I think that if a person can find work that brings them happiness and fulfillment they are never poor. To me, actually, that is the definition of success. A job is what you get paid for, work is what you were born to do. You can afford to lose your job, you cannot afford to miss your life's work. Sounds like you've got it...not poor at all. ;)
    Have a great weekend, Holly.

  6. I'm the say way being reserved. I'm sure people think I'm shy or stuck up but it takes me awhile before I can let someone in for me to open up.
    Bless your parents for looking into the foster system and adopting. Too many kids in the system needing good home. :(
    We stay away from chemicals with my son's behavior and my other son's allergies. Have you looked into Shaklee? Great stuff and the scent is barely there. You can check out my store if you like.
    Loved learning more about you!

  7. Holly-I've had fun reading these lists! It's a fun way to know our blog friends a little better.
    thanks for playing along and sharing your list with us!

  8. Great list and fun to get to know you more. We have a lot in common and without something like this, we would never have known :) Which part of Washington did you live in? We are in Eastern Washington or "the desert" as some call it. At least it doesn't rain 362 days out of the year here.

  9. I wish I could go to Colorado, it seems nice! I've only had flight connections there, in Denver.

  10. I enjoyed getting to know you. I too, have lots and lots of allergies. It annoys people who wear perfume. Very brave to put it out there about wanting to open your own store. Now you are one step closer.

  11. I loved reading your list! I found you on Sunday Social. Come visit at

  12. It was great to read this and get to know you better. Thanks for sharing!
