
Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hi Everyone!  Sorry I don't have any exciting projects to show you today.  But I want to share with you that tomorrow is my birthday.  I will be 40 years old.  As will my very good friend Jami.
  I met Jami back in 1999.  We had both been working for the same mid size telecom company in Cedar Rapids but in different offices.  And then we both were transferred to the Denver office.  I had been there for about a month when Jami came in to work.  I was showing her the ropes for our job and just chit chatting away.  I asked her when her birthday was and she said February 24th.  And my mouth dropped open.  So of course I had to ask the year.  And then I told her that was my birthday.  She was born in the wee hours of the morning and I was born in the afternoon about 12 hours later.  We were both born in Iowa but on opposite sides of the state.  She is the first person that I've met that has the same birthday.  And we've been friends ever since.

So happy birthday to us!  And since it's just me...and my parents are not here to help me celebrate...I decided to get myself some flowers to celebrate.  I picked these up at the local floral shop for about $13.00.

 I love daisies.  I think they are just so cheerful and happy looking.  I love the bright green and yellow.
Normally, I don't get flowers for my birthday.  And normally I don't buy them for myself either.  But I thought it was a good way to celebrate the big 4-0.  Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. Well happy ding dang birthday. 40 was good.... it was that next milestone that depressed me!


  2. The flowers are lovely, and you SO deserve them! Hope you and your friend have a wonderful birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday my friend! 40 is a wonderful age, enjoy it. Treat yourself ridiculously tomorrow. Diane

  4. Following you now and hoping you follow back. Thanks, Linda

  5. Happy Birthday! How fun to have the same birthday as your friend! I'm your newest follower!!
    Hugs, Cindy

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mine is the 24th TOO! I also share it with 2 friends, one have known over 20 years and the other I have known for 3 years.
    Thanks for joining in our party :)
    I love the flowers, tulips are my favorite, so I may havve to pick myself up a bunch!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'm so glad you joined us after all. Now we have what, four or five birthdays happening on the same day. Woo-hoo!!!
    Wishing you many, many blessings.

  8. Happy Birthday! 4o and fabulous!
    My mom and I share a birthday, but I never met anyone that was born the exact same day, that's pretty special.

    So cool that you discovered that about your co worker and that it made you into friends.
    Happy Birthday to both of you. ;)
