
Friday, March 9, 2012

"From the Halls of Montezuma, To the shores of Tripoli...."

Hi Everyone! Well, it's official.  My nephew Ridge is a Marine.  His graduation was today.  I am so very proud of him.  He is heading home for 10 days and then he will head back for weapons training and then on to Pensacola for 9 to 14 months of schooling.  He's going to learn to work on aircrafts.

Unfortunately, none of my family were able to make it out to San Diego for his graduation.  But his mother's side of the family were able to attend.  I'm so glad someone was there for him.  My brother and his family and my parents are all going to get to see him before he heads back to San Diego.  My parents will be on their way back from Florida next weekend and will be staying over to spend some time with him.  And will meet up with my brother's family.  I'm so happy that they will get to spend some time with him!

I am so proud of Ridge and the decision he made.  He decided at 17 that this is what he wanted to do and signed up for 5 years.  Such a grown up decision from boy.  He's not a boy any longer. 

My sister-in-law said it best, "Just a few short weeks ago, a scared but excited young man left for boot camp.  Today, the United States Marines are returning to us a young man, a Marine.  I have so much love and pride in my heart that he has undertaken such a noble goal.  Today he joins the elite.  He is a United States Veteran forevermore."

Congratulations Ridge!  You make me so proud! 


  1. Bliss<<<<< proud mother to a US Marine.

  2. Congrats to your nephew. What a brave young man. I wish him the best in his military career.
