
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weather Update....

Hi Everyone!  Well it was an eventful night last night.  We had three severe storms roll through.  The dogs and I spent some time in the basement.  It's not really a basement, it's the original root cellar to the house that has had a cement floor and walls put in (after the fact) but it is wonderful to have.  This house has seen countless storms and tornadoes and has stood the test of time (thank goodness).  And we made it safely through last night.  But it was a long night.  I'm so tired today that I haven't been able to motivate myself to do much of anything.  And so are the dogs.

Today, we've been under a wind advisory and it's almost as bad as the storms last night because it's been constant all day long.  I didn't have many limbs down last night, but they've come down today.  Mostly likely they were broken last night and just coming down today.  I've also lost some shingles off the house.  I am in need of a new roof I'm afraid. 

The town of Thurman, Iowa which is not that far from where I live, was hit last night.  It's a very small town (250 or so residents).  100% of the buildings in town sustained damage.  75% of the buildings were destroyed.  And luckily, no fatalities.  A few injuries including a semi driver that pulled off the interstate (which is not far away) and was injured when his semi overturned.  They were all very lucky.  But now the clean up begins.

And if the wind would just stop blowing!  I guess we are paying now for the decent winter we had.  But it could have been so much worse last night.  I can handle spending time in the cellar and listening to the wind blow and the lack of sleep if it comes with minimal damages and surviving.  I'll be back later with a project I completed last week.  I just wanted to update everyone.  Thanks for all your emails and comments of concern.  And as always, thanks for stopping by.


  1. So glad you're safe. Things can be repaired and replaced.

  2. So happy to hear from you. I feel for the people who were hit by the storm... thinking of all of you.


  3. Glad to hear your safe. Hopefully soon, the winds will settle down.

  4. So glad you're OK, and hope you will remain so! Take care.
