
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A bench and a table...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Tuesday!  My day started out early.  I was out in the shop working by 7:30 AM.  I put the dogs out on their tie ups and headed to the shop.  Since the land sale was happening this morning I decided I had better get started early so whenever the crowd showed up, I could take a break.  But then a surprising thing happened, they didn't set up at the driveway across the road from my home, they set up at the drive on the south side of the field so no crowd at my house.  And I got a lot done today!

I started working on a bench.
 I got this one back in March and have been waiting for the chance to use it.
 The foot board has a bad spot on one of the feet.
 I cleaned it up and used Kwik Wood to fix it.
 Here it is after it dried and I sanded it to smooth it out.
 Then I cut the foot board apart.  Here it is being dry fit together.
I haven't finished it  yet, but I think it's going to be a cute bench.

I also worked on the order for a coffee table that I got right before my craft fair at the end of April.
I took boards from this stack of really old lumber and after cutting it down and a lot of sanding, I ended up with this table top....

I was asked by a friend of my mother's to make her a small coffee table.  She didn't know how big she wanted it, she just held up her hands and said "I'd like it about this long and this wide."  As she said it she moved her hands to mimic the size.  So with those measurements, this is what I came up.  I told her I had a stack of reclaimed cedar boards that I would use to make her coffee table.  It's not a traditional style of table but I was looking through my Pottery Barn catalog the other day and saw a dining table that was made sort of in this style and decided it would be cute for this table.
Pottery Barn inspiration

I of course didn't make it to look like this, but I liked the idea of this table.  I'm not finished with it yet, but so far I like the direction this is headed.  So what do you think?  It is the smallest coffee table I've ever seen.  I just need to get the feet finished.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. wow! you put me to shame! I didn't do anything today. Well, I did get a bunch of blog posts written.
    I plan to get out to the shop early tomorrow morning, but haven't got a clue what I'm going to work on.
    Maybe a bench- hahahaha

    Your stuff looks great. isn't it fun working on several things at one time?
    I'm anxious to see that coffee table.

  2. Hi! Glad the land sale didn't get in your way! Any idea who bought it? I love the combination of painted wood and plain wood on that bench. Will you leave it that way or did you have another finish in mind?

  3. HI! Thanks for stopping over at our blog. That bench is going to be wonderful! I pinned an idea of 2 chair backs put together for a bench..
    You are a handy thing! I lOVE it!
