
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Craft fair pictures...

Hi Everyone!  I hope you are having a good week.  Dad is recovering nicely and has his follow up appointment today.  Hopefully that goes well and in four weeks or so he'll be able to have the AAA repair.  I worked out in the shop a bit yesterday.  I have orders to fill which is wonderful.  I have to get caught up after the craft fair and Dad's appointments and surgery.  I thought I'd show you a few of the pictures from the fair and then follow up over the next few days with some of the things I made for it that I haven't shared with you before.
 I left for a while on Saturday to take my dogs out and my dad sold my trio of paintings.  He made a deal and grouped them all together.  I hope they found a happy home.  I'm actually kind of sad that they sold.  I guess I'll have to make another set for myself.
 This big bench sold on Saturday.  I was really sad to see this one go.  I loved this bench and if I had a place to put it, I don't think I could have sold it.
 Surprisingly, I only sold one sign over the two day fair which is really unusual.  I normally sell out of signs rather quickly.  The only bright spot to that is I don't have to remake a bunch of signs.
 This little fence and birdhouse also didn't sell.  One lady was really interested in it but I came home with it.
 I'll post about the little cupboard in a day or two.

 I have some new signs to share with you too.
 I brought home the wooden flag.  I'm not sad about that either.
 This was a very popular bench and I got a lot of great comments about it.  It sold first thing Sunday morning.  I loved the fabric on it.
 My storage box/coffee table didn't sell either but I love this fabric too.  I have an order for another one with a different cushion on it so I will be swapping out the top for the new one so I don't have to build another base yet.
 I sold a couple of those cheese cloches with birds nest and eggs.
 One of my best selling items were the soap/lotion dispensers.  This is what I did with a lot of those jars I was given by my mom's friend.
 I also sold several of these jar lamps.  And the love bird coasters.
 I was actually kind of surprised that I only sold one of the numbers and none of the wooden boxes or trays.
I sold some other items that didn't get set out until later in the day on Saturday or on Sunday and I didn't get pictures of them in the booth.  It was a good fair.  I had quite a few sales and I got some really great leads on things for the future.  I also got a few orders and hopefully a few more will come out of it too.  I met some really wonderful people and can't wait to do it all again here in September at the Apple Jack's Fair.  The couple that run this craft fair also own the craft shop in the mall and after we had brought in a few of my items, they stopped me and told me they wanted my things in their shop.  So that was great to hear.  We'll see if I can afford the booth space.  Now I really have to get working on those orders and start replenishing my inventory.  I will also try to get caught up on all of my favorite blogs that I've missed the last few weeks.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. You had some wonderful items! You never know what's going to be popular one time versus another.

  2. Sounds like you did pretty well overall. I feel the same way about selling items I really like and then think I will eventually paint them again, but I never seem to. Oh well, at least we have that option to, right?

  3. Everything looks great Holly-it's difficult to predict what people will want. :)

    happy it was successful!
