
Monday, June 4, 2012

Dandelion advice....

Hi Everyone!  I need a little advice.  I made this set of dandelion paintings on wooden canvases for my bedroom.  But something isn't exactly right.  Can you see it?  Do they look a little flat to you?  Any thoughts?
 One train of thought is to sand them and make them look old.
 Or do I add a darker blue wash to them?
 Or should I antique them?
 Or should I add a different color wash to them?
 Right now the background is painted sky blue with a tan wash, if you look closely you can see that.
I've been living with them for about a week and I just can't decide what they need.  Would love to hear your thoughts on them.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I think either adding a different wash or doing some really fine highlighting to bring out the details might work.

  2. How about more tan wash over the top, then with a really fine sandpaper, just sand your handpainted details. It's a technique I use a lot to give texture, and then some of the dark wash will sit around the detail, to create a tiny shadow and help the flowers stand out more.
    Try it on a test piece first - they look pretty good as they are !

  3. yeah, what Korrie and fiona said... seriously, I'm of no help, sorry Holly.

    good luck!

  4. I'm the last one to give any art advice, I can't even paint stick people.


  5. Well I think you know what I'm going to say... I think they look fantastic the way they are... I'm so serious... I think they look great.. so I am of no help I guess! HAHAHA! I can't help it that I think you're one heck of a talented artist!!!

    Carri =)

  6. P.S. Speaking of what a great artist you are.. you got featured from last weeks All STARS link Block Party... =)

