
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day...

Happy Father's Day!  I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and are getting a chance to spend time with the fathers in your life.  I will be heading over to spend some time with my dad in a little while. 

I decided to make something and buy something for my dad this year.  Last year I had made him a book of their trips to Florida.  I made it with an online book publisher.  I took the pictures that he and my mom had taken the last couple of years in Florida and compiled them but didn't put any words to them.  The only thing I wrote was for the inside covers.  And my dad love it.  Sorry I don't have any pictures of it to show you.
I made this sign for him this year.  I started out with a board and used my router to put a decorative edge on the board.  I painted it with a base coat of black and a top coat of white and then sanded it.  I hand painted this saying on in black.
 But it didn't "look" like something my dad would like so I antiqued it.  Ahhh, that's better, but not right yet.
So I took the sander to it to reveal the white underneath and that's much better.  It does look better in person.  And I think my dad will like it.  I also got him a counter top convection oven.  It's something he had talked about a while ago but I noticed the other day that they didn't have one yet, so I got it for him.  I'm going over in a little while for lunch and gifts and to spend some time.
I have wonderful childhood memories of my dad.  He always made and spent time with us.  I remember when my mom worked nights and during the summer Dad would put tents up in the yard and we'd build a fire.  We'd have a cook out with smores and everything.  When Mom would come home, we'd get up while she ate and then we'd all sleep outside.  It was a great time. 
Dad had a huge garden and I remember being too small to help but wanting to be in the garden with him.  He'd be pulling weeds or harvesting fresh veggies and I'd fall asleep in the row with my head underneath the largest cauliflower leaves keeping the sun off my face until he'd wake me up.  And we'd get to play in the water a bit while he watered the garden.
My dad is fun and funny.  He's clever and caring.  He's smart and wise.  He's patient and kind.  He's a wonderful example of a father.  And I love him very much.  Happy Father's Day Dad!


  1. Enjoy your day with your Father. Love the sign.

  2. Have a great day with your dad.... he sounds wonderful!!!


  3. Holly. What a beautiful tribute to your dad. No wonder you are so thoughtful. You were obviously raised with a lot of love and support. I adore your plaque. What a great description of what a father should be.

  4. awww, what a great post Holly! :)
    I'm so happy that you have such a great relationship with your dad, I was not so lucky.
    I love the great sentiment you put on your dad's gift. The sign is fabulous, and I'm sure your dad loved it.

