
Thursday, June 7, 2012

A trio of dandelions....

Hi Everyone!  I hope you are all having a wonderful week.  It's been warm and windy here.  I haven't gotten much accomplished the last couple of days but I did finish my trio of dandelion paintings that I shared with you here.  Thanks so much for all the advice and encouragement.  Well....I think I finished it.  Or at least as finished as I'm going to get for now.

This is what they looked like before...
Pretty flat and dull....
 I put a darker blue wash on it....
 I sanded them...
 ...and then I put an antique medium over them....
 ...and these are the results...
 ...this one looks better in person than in this picture...maybe a tad too much light here....
I like them so much better now.  They don't look that flat anymore and the color reminds me of old denim jeans...always comfortable.  I only have one problem with them now...since I changed the color of blue, they don't go with my bedroom very well.  The blues are completely different now and I don't like them where I wanted to put them.  So, that means I need to find another place for them and make something else to go in my bedroom.  Maybe something with a red background.... Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. I'm sorry they don't go in the bedroom any more Holly, but I love the extra layers.
    Now your lovely hand-painted details really pop - great job !

  2. They look positively gorgeous.. but you know me, I haven't ever seen anything you do that I don't just love.. I liked them "flat" ...LOL

    Great job Holly


  3. What a wonderful trio! You did a great job, they are so pretty. I like them a lot.

  4. You did an amazing job transforming the pictures. They really look good. Hope you find just the right place to hang them now.

  5. ohh holly the color is perfect. I love that they look like denim (my favorite color!)


  6. If I had one 'wish', after seeing how amazing your dandelion pictures are, it would be that I had half as much talent as you, obviously, do.
