
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's feature time....

Hi Everyone!  It's time for this weeks features.  I want to start by saying thank you to everyone that linked up to our party.  I can't believe all the link ups we had this week.  I had a great time visiting and meeting each one of you. 
Now the hard part......picking out my favorites.  You guys make it very difficult each week for me to pick my favorites because there are just so many wonderful projects linked up.  And just like last week, I couldn't narrow down my favorites to five to feature so I ended up with six picks this week.  Now on with the show...

I love to mix paint and love what Nancy and Bethany did with the color on these steps.  They turned a plain area into a show piece with lots of character.  Stop by and see how they mixed the color for the risers.  Nice job ladies!
Nancy and Bethany @ Powell Brower Home

I'm a fan of bold colors and love what Kathy did with this round table.  I have always wanted one of these and think Kathy did a great job on her remake.  I love the bold color.  Nicely done!
Kathy @ Life on Lakeshore Drive

 I adore this shelf remake that Christine completed.  I have been collecting yardsticks to use in a project and I'm getting closer to having enough.  Christine has inspired me to find a few more and make the project I have planned.  Stop by and check out Christine's shelf.  Great job!
Christine @ Let's Get Crafty!
 I love things made with paper and I'm so impressed by this Origami Kusudama Ornament.  I think I could follow her tutorial to make it and I just might have to try.  Can't you see a Christmas tree filled with these?  Wouldn't it be beautiful.
Ashley @ Ashley's Dandelion Wishes

I am impressed with Fifi's patience in making this rug.  She has a great tutorial too.  You have to stop by and see how she did this.  She said in her tutorial that it started to curve like a bowl...wouldn't that be cool too.  Great job!
Fifi @ About Blogging Time

Is this not the cutest party snack in the world?  Adrianne has a great tutorial on how to make delicious bite sized party bark.   Yummy!
Adrianne @ Happy Hour Projects

Be sure to stop by and say hi.  It will definitely be worth it.  And if you've been featured, please grab a featured button.
Full Circle Creations
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Full Circle Creations"><img src="" alt="Full Circle Creations" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Thanks again for making our party a great success.  And don't forget to stop by later tonight and link up to the 11th All Star Block Party!    Thanks for stopping by.


  1. aww Holly, thanks for the feature!! so excited to be on your blog :)

  2. Woo Hoo! Thanks for featuring "My Shelf Rules"!!! Have a great week!

  3. Thanks for the feature! Great picks, I love that yardstick shelf!

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my table!! I am so honored to be among the great features. :)

  5. Thanks for featuring us Holly! Have a great day.

  6. Great features, love that yardstick shelf, and those yummy looking party snacks.
