
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Playhouse sign...

Hi Everyone!  I hope your week is going well.  It was hot again today.  But it should cool down again tomorrow.  Just in time for school to start.  The first day is tomorrow.  Which really doesn't affect me, but does a lot of my co-workers. 

I thought I'd share with you a custom order sign I made for a client.  She asked for a sign that said Mary Jane's Playhouse.  Then I had the idea to plaid the background so I had her pick the colors she wanted.  She picked a burgundy and forest green.  And this is what I came up with.
I hand painted the lettering in an ivory color and outlined them in black.
It was fun to make.  And a bit different than my normal signs.
It really does look much better in person.
My client was happy with it and that's what really matters.  I took these pictures before I drilled the holes in the upper corners and inserted the wire that became the hanger.  But I didn't take any pictures of it.  Tonight I'm working on three other signs...none this involved....and I need to work on the table I'm building.  But we are in for some storms so I might not get too much done on the table.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Beautiful! You are so talented.

  2. Mary Jane is one lucky girl. That sign turned out beautiful.

  3. those storms are bad sometimes, but when they bring cooler weather, I don't mind them so much. :)
    cute sign! Looks like a LOT of work.


  4. I sooooo need to make a roadtrip someday just to shop at your place! LOL
    I love that plaid... you are amazing.... as always!


  5. It is fun...great colors...and the client was happy - yeah!!!
