
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All Star Block Party #16....

Hi Everyone!  Welcome to the All Star Block Party!  Thank you so much for making our 15th party a great success.  I am back from the craft fair this past weekend which I will share with you in the coming days.  And I've picked my features from last week, so without further ado...

I love these adorable hot air balloons.  If you haven't seen them,  you really need to check them out!
Jen @ The Consigner Designer
I love this harvest cart!  It started out as free stuff and become this gorgeous cart.  Great job!
Kimberly @ Serendipity Refined
I love this little chest.  And the cutest part is the ice cream scoop attached to the side.  If you haven't seen how this started out, then make sure you stop by and check it out!  Love it!
Bliss @ Bliss Ranch
 This strawberry yogurt cake looks and sounds so delicious!  I definitely want to try it.  Stop by for the recipe.  Yummy!
Gail @ Purple Hues and Me

Be sure to stop by and say hi.  It will definitely be worth it.  And if you've been featured, please grab a featured button.

Full Circle Creations
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Full Circle Creations"><img src="" alt="Full Circle Creations" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

 So now on to the party....Welcome to the 16th All Star Block Party!  Be sure to stop by my co-hosts blogs to see their features and say hello!
      Shasta @ In The Old Road
      Carri @ Simply Done Wright
      Heather @ New House, New Home, New Life
           Meg @ Nutmeg Place

Now the business part of the party....We ask that you be a follower to participate. 
Link back to the blog that you linked up to.
Keep your links family friendly.
Only submit projects made by you.
No business pages, giveaways or link parties allowed.
We reserve the right to delete any link that does not follow these rules.

You are welcome to link up any of YOUR creations, old or new.  It can be crafts, remodels, woodworking, artwork, recipes, gardening, sewing get the idea.  We want to see what YOU'VE been working on Make sure that your link  is to your specific post and not your blog's main URL.  Be sure to visit some of your fellow blogger's link ups.  Then leave them some comment love.
Full Circle Creations
So grab a button and show us what you've been up to.


  1. Thank you for the shout out about my chest. Ohhh, that sounds bad. My old train chest? Better. You da bomb!


  2. Thank you so much for featuring my Hot Air Balloons. That is so great! I really appreciate it!
