
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Unique pumpkins....

Hi Everyone!  I hope your weekend is going well.  After work today I started working on items for the next craft fair which is less than a month away plus I have a few custom orders to finish that I got at the fair.  I thought I'd share with you a couple of unique pumpkins that I made for the craft fair last weekend.  I've been making these for a couple of years now and they've always been a great seller.
In fact, I've almost used all of this unique wood.
 These pumpkins are made from wood that was once part of the legs of a feed bunk for cattle.  My grandpa feed thousands of cattle over the years from the feed bunk that topped these legs.  I cut them down to make these pumpkins.
 I sanded them really well, painted a base coat of black and a top coat of pumpkin orange spray paint.
 Then I sanded them to reveal the black.  I just love the way the grain shows up and all the holes and dings that were in the wood.
 The stems are parts of spindles that came from a deck that was torn down.  Then I added the little signs.
This is the only picture I could find of them at the craft fair.  I will be taking these to the Clarinda Craft Fair in less than a month.  Now I need to get back to work.  I need to finish a couple of signs that were ordered last weekend.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Aaaaaawwww!! I luv those pumpkins. And I luv the story behind what they are made of. That makes them even more special.
    Want some!!!!
    Cheers, Gee

    pop on by and visit me over at my place..

  2. What cool and rustic pumpkins. I would never have to worry about the squirrels eating these :)

  3. love your pumpkins holly! they are so cute with the black undercoat.

