
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's feature time....

Hi Everyone!  I'm a little pressed for time today and I almost forgot to pick my features from last week's party.  I'm trying to get ready for the fair next weekend and am working to cross things off of my to do list.  But every time I cross something off, I think of something to add.  Does that ever happen to you?

A big thank you to everyone that linked up to our party.  We really do appreciate you and all of your great projects.   
Now the hard part......picking out my favorites.  You guys make it very difficult each week for me to pick my favorites because there are just so many wonderful projects linked up.  Now on with the show...

Have you seen the quilt that Amy made?  If you haven't, really need to stop by and check out all the details.  I'm so impressed by that quilt.
Amy @ While Hearing Heels

Have  you seen this desk turned into a nightstand?  If not be sure to stop by and check it out.  It has a concrete top.  I love it!
Jessika and Jeff @ Look What Jeff Did

These cupcakes look so yummy!  And festive too.
Jodie @ JodieFitz

Be sure to stop by and say hi.  It will definitely be worth it.  And if you've been featured, please grab a featured button.
Full Circle Creations
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Full Circle Creations"><img src="" alt="Full Circle Creations" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Thanks again for making our party a great success.  And don't forget to stop by tonight and link up to the 19th All Star Block Party!  Be sure to stop by and meet this week's guest co-host.   Thanks for stopping by

1 comment:

  1. Holly!!! Thank you so much for the feature. I've been tending to a sick 4 year old all week so I just discovered you featured my quilt. I am really flattered. Thank you!
