
Thursday, November 29, 2012

A hodge podge of things...

Hi Everyone! It seems like forever since I've had a project to share with you. I, like all of you, have been busy. Busy filling orders, but unfortunately, not working on anything new. It's all things you've seen before.
 Like this family tree painting...
 ...but with a twist...due to a popular request, I now add the family name and Est. Date to it.  And I've had lots of orders for this one.
Several orders for my reindeer sign....
 ...and several orders for this Faith, Family, Farming sign....
 ....and this custom Fresh Farm Eggs...the original had a group of eggs at the end but this client wanted the price...I think this looks better than the original...
 I'm currently working on this American Flag for a client...and I'm making one to replace the one I had in my studio that sold.
I haven't decorated for Christmas yet...although I do have a couple of trees left over from the craft fair that are currently on display in the studio...
...along with this hand painted snowman sign......which may be all I get done this year if the orders keep coming in.  I'm also working on a custom bench...
 ...using this headboard....
...and a coffee table storage box like this black one with the apple green fabric...only in oranges and browns.  So that's a little of what's going on here and why you haven't seen anything new yet.  I promise to bring you new things just as soon as I can.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Holly, you are incredibly talented. I am always impressed and in awe of what you are able to create. That tree is AMAZING. I love that you added a family name and established to the sign, what a perfect gift. AND the reindeer sign is adorable. I love that Rudolph has a big red circle. I hope you have many, many, many more sales.

  2. Hey you have snow man heads too!


  3. They're all great, I agree that the family tree looks so wonderful with the family name and est. date.
    Whenever I see your signs I want to create some of my own, but never get around to it. Maybe after Christmas !
    Have a great weekend - Fiona

  4. great stuff Holly! I'm anxiously waiting to do some stuff too. :(

    I've not decorated a lick for Christmas yet. soon... very soon....
