
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let it snow...

Hi Everyone!  Well it's happening here.  Our first snow of the season.  And it was upgraded from a winter storm advisory to a BLIZZARD!  Can you believe it?!  Our first snowfall is going to be a blizzard.  It started raining this afternoon and a some sleet tonight.  And I just came inside from taking my dogs out and it's snowing.  The blowing is just getting started and is to be bad overnight.
I live on a hill a few miles from town.  My home sits at the top of a hill overlooking the river bottom and the town below.  I can usually judge how bad things are by whether or not I can see the lights of town.  So far it's not bad.  I can still see town and the post lights of my neighbors (the closest one is about 1/4 mile as the crow flies).  When I can't see the lights I know it's bad. (These pictures are from last year's big snow storm.)
My parents were to leave today to go to my brother's to celebrate Christmas with them this weekend but didn't go due to the weather forecast.  Better to be safe than sorry!
 So in honor of the first snow of the season, I thought I'd share with you the clay snowflakes I made a couple of weeks ago.  I rolled out the clay to about 1/4" thick and then used this snowflake cookie cutter to cut out the shape.
 I used a toothpick to make the hole for the hanger.
 I added white German glass glitter before baking the clay.
 I baked them in the oven for about 15 minutes at 275 degrees and then let them cool before spraying them with a matte sealer to set the glitter.  Then I added red and white Bakers twine as the hanger.
 It's simple and sweet and looks great on the tree.  The glitter makes it shimmer.
I packaged them in clear bags with my tag at the top.  I gave a few of them as gifts and sold a few of them too.  And I put a few on my Christmas tree.  You could get really creative decorating these but I wanted to keep them simple.  So now I'm going to go sit at the window and watch the snowfall and then I need to work a little on my last two orders before Christmas.  I just hope that the power stays on throughout this blizzard.  I hope everyone caught in this storm stays safe.  Thanks for stopping by.

Linking to: 


  1. What beautiful ornaments and beautiful pictures of your snow. We've yet to get any...none. We are due to get some sort of a storm tomorrow, so fingers crossed, we'll have a white Christmas. I hope you stay safe and cozy in your house, creating beautiful things. Merry Christmas talented Holly!

  2. ohhh my! I hope all is well this morning! brrrr I'm sitting here with ice on my shoulder, looking at your snowy pictures from last year....

    the snowflakes are too cute!

    again, hope all is well, and you have heat! (I'm assuming you do since you left a comment on my post)


  3. Very pretty snowflakes!
    Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  4. Holly,
    I just love the ornaments... we're suppose to get really heavy winds and snow starting tonight... I might just have to make some ornaments.... They're so adorable... Like I say... you are one talented gal**** Sure have missed you!


  5. Awesome, I love those. I just yesterday gifted a BFF a giant snowflake ornament since she had been looking for one. Now I want it back! I only thought of cookies, I could of make all sorts of decorations with it huh?


  6. Those are really cute. I guess you could use salt dough to make these too, instead of clay?
    I think your packaging is nice too. Extra touch that just says 'special'! :)
    via MRL, Pat

  7. I think I'm gonna make these this year. Thanks for linking them up and your red mittens too.
