
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Baby it's cold outside...

Hi Everyone!  OMG!  It is COLD outside!  And I do mean cold.  It's the kind of cold that just goes right through you, numbing you.  I spent about 15 minutes outside late this afternoon taking care of a few things and when I came inside it took about an hour for me to get warm again.  So if you're experiencing this kind of cold and outside at all, take precautions and be careful!
And while I'm dealing with the cold and snow, my dear, sweet, snowbird parents are enjoying their time in Florida by experiencing this...
 ...doesn't that just look inviting...
 ...and wonderful...
..even on a not so perfect day.  I would have shown you the one of my dad in the hot tub, but I don't think he'd be too happy with me.  And now, it's time to bundle up for the cold because I need to take the dogs outside.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wow! It looks SUPER cold there--fun to play in though?

    Today it was 71 here....really, really nice! :)

  2. brrrr stay warm! we are suppose to get a dusting tonight. but it's not really cold right now. just regular cold. lol
    love the florida pics

  3. Yesterday and again today, we are having a major blizzard. I have to make a two hour trip out of town and had to cancel both days. My sister and her husband are in Florida right now lucky, I should have went with them! Stay warm my friend.

  4. I must be doing something wrong.... when I mention a trip to Florida all my kids still want to come along! Just how old do I have to get before Brawn and I get to go alone?


  5. Oh yes, cold and snowy blizzard conditions here today. Major accident on a highway not too far from here, and my husband had one too. Keep safe & warm! Wishing I could be down there with your parents.
    Debbie :)

  6. Ah, yes...the bitter cold and snow have finally arrived here as well. Stay warm and cozy. AND, yes, Florida does look inviting. In fact, it looks so inviting, I am tempted to pack up Grace and show up on your parents' door step :)
