
Sunday, March 17, 2013

A lot of painting going on....

Hi Everyone!  I had a helper today.  My mom came out to the farm to help me paint some items.
 The first thing she did was paint four boards to match the walls in the front room....
 ...once they were dry, she helped me hang them.... now there are picture rails to hang items from without filling the walls with nail holes.
 Then she painted the base coat of the window shutters...I still have to do the top treatment to give them an aged look.
 Then I put her to work painting the base coat of some signs I'm making...and painting frames...
 ...four different I know it looks like I wasn't doing anything while my mom painted, but I was busy in the shop cutting the boards for the signs, hanging the picture rails, taking the shutters down, and taking apart the frames so they could be painted.
 I also put the finishing touches on this set of dandelion paintings and I stained the long board for a custom sign that a client ordered.
I also painted the final code of red on this sign.  Now I just need to finish the signs, rehang the shutters and put away all the mess.  Thanks for all your help Mom!  And tomorrow they should be starting on my roof.  So what did you today?  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Picture rails are a great idea! It's always more fun to work with a helper.

  2. WOW. There is never a dull moment in your life, is there? How sweet of your mom to help you. She'll sleep well tonight :). Your dandelion paintings are so beautiful. Your talent never ceases to amaze me.

  3. All I have to say is Yay Mom!


  4. I like the rail, it's different! LOVE that deep red on the bottom board... Sunday I made a twine shamrock ;-) a little to late to post about, but there's next year.

  5. well, I guess Mom's vacation is officially over. hahahaha

    everything looks great girls!


  6. Your mom rocks. It looks like the two of you were busy.
