
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Crates galore...

Hi Everyone!  One more night of work and then everything gets packed up in the U-haul trailer and unloaded at the fair in Nebraska City!  I only have a few things left to finish and then I will pack it and move what is still in the studio out to the shop so it's easier to load tomorrow.  But tonight I thought I'd show you the crates that I made.
 I built these out of scraps from the wood shop.  I unfortunately didn't take any pictures of them plain (bad blogger). 
 But once they were built, I took them over to my mom to paint.  I mixed up a blue grey paint for two of them.
 And white for the other two.  Mom painted them and then I picked them up and distressed them.  I added casters to the bottom of the grey pair...
 ...but I haven't added the casters to the white pair's on my to do list tonight.
 It's hard to tell in the pictures, but the white ones have been distressed and waxed with both dark and clear wax.
I'm happy with the way they turned simple but so many uses....what would you use them for?  Well, now it's time to get back to work so I can finish my to do list and get to bed early.  It's a big day tomorrow.  I work until 1pm, then load up and head to Nebraska City to set up for the Arbor Day Fair.  Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. The crates look great! I like the white ones best. How do you cut the hand-holds?

  2. Holy cow, you have been so busy! I love the white ones!!!

  3. they are so cute Holly! Crates are very popular and so useful.

    Will you be going alone to the fair? Is it all day Saturday? outdoors? how large is your space? so many questions I have!

