
Friday, May 3, 2013

Butterfly obsession...

Hi Everyone!  I seem to have a butterfly obsession.  I painted some butterflies last year (check them out here and here)and I've painted another one.  Earlier this year I was going through a red period.  I painted a wedding dress and a few signs on red backgrounds.  I also painted a butterfly.  I hadn't shown it to you yet because I didn't have a frame for it.  I was getting a few things ready last night to take over to my mom to paint for me and came across a couple of frames out in the grain bin (one of my storage areas).  I brought them in and realized it was the perfect frame for my butterfly painting.  And I didn't have to paint it.  I did clean it up and distress the frame some, but that was it.
 It's a very simple painting....
...with a very simple frame, but I think the two go well with each other.  Now to just find the place to hang it in the studio.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. simple? I couldn't paint that butterfly if I had to! :)
    I wish I could paint. really, I do.

    great job Holly!

  2. I second Gail's comment. You are truly talented my friend. Another beautiful creation!

  3. I love butterflies and this one is beautiful. You are amazing, Holly!
