
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Painted quilt rack....

Hi Everyone.  One of the items my Aunt Barb brought to me the other day was a quilt rack.  It was nice enough the way it was, but it seemed so plain and sad to me.
 It's made of oak and in really great shape.  I cleaned it up, removed the buttons on the sides (some were missing) and tightened up the screws that had been added to strength it.
 Then painted it using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White.  I'm sort of on an Old White kick.  I thought about painting it in a really bold color.....
 ...but decided to play it safe.  And I intend to use it in the Studio to display fabric choices, so white seemed to be a better choice.
Then I sanded it but didn't wax it.  As a child, we rented an old house that had four or five of these up in the attic and while we lived there, I was able to have one at the end of my bed and for some unknown reason, I loved it.  But when we moved out, I had to put it back in the attic.  The things you remember...well, thanks for stopping by.


  1. funny--about the things we remember. This quilt rack will look great in your studio! Love the new color...

  2. Oh, what a sweet memory you have of the quilt rack from the rented house. I am so glad your Aunt saved this one. I love it white. You certainly have been busy!

  3. I need this in my bathroom for a towel rail, because I'm borrowing a wooden one that I'm not allowed to paint !
    I'm sure it'll be a great addition to your studio.
