
Friday, March 11, 2011


I thought I'd show you a couple of the Easter "trees" that I made for the shop. They are decorated with wooden bunnies, paper-mache eggs, wooden ducks, and decorated metals eggs.
I love the bunny in the carrot. It has wire whiskers. Sorry I didn't take a close up of the bunny.
This is probably my favorite Easter tree. The tree is made out of wrapped wire that is formed to make a tree. There's a wooden dowel in the middle of the tree limbs to help support it. Then I drilled a hole in the block of wood and glued a piece of PVC pipe into it (it's hidden by the fence and nesting). The dowel and wrapped wire slips down into the pipe and is glued into place. Then it's just a matter of making the limbs into the shape you want and attaching the ornaments which I had already painted.
I really liked how this turned out and it didn't take very long. I had everything already (left over from other projects). Next time I'll try to take step by step pictures. I get started on something and always seem to forget that. Well, thanks for stopping by.

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