
Saturday, March 19, 2011

A reveal as promised...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Saturday!  Yesterday I showed you a couple of pictures of piles of wood.  Today I'm going to show you what I made from those piles of wood.
Remember these?
I told you how wood sometimes just "speaks" to me and lets me know what I should make out of it, well, that's what happened with these piles of wood.

And this is what I made, an occasional table.  It could go behind a couch or in a hall way or entry way. 
I found some really cool boards that have been stored in the old corn crib since who knows when.  I live on the farm that my mother grew up on.  My grandparents bought this farm when my mother was 8 years old and lived here until they passed away.  The house sat empty for a year and then I moved in.  The house was built in the 1880's and needs all the TLC I can give it. 
But luckily for me, my grandfather was a saver.  I wouldn't call him a hoarder or a pack rat, because he only saved things that could be used again.  And thanks to him, I've been able to make some really great things with the wood that he saved.  I've also found some really cool treasures that I've been able to use as decorations that would have cost me a fortune to go out and buy.
And I feel blessed everyday that I'm able to live here and keep this farm in the family.
And if one wasn't cool enough, I made two of them.  My plan is to use one in my dining room and take the other to use as a display table in the shop, but like everything in the shop, even the display stands are for sale.
I had planned on making a tutorial on how I made these, but my camera died and I didn't want to wait to make them.  Well, thanks for stopping by.


  1. Fun old wood and I love the addition of the spindles :) Laurel

  2. I love old wood and your tables turned out super cute!
    catching you this week!
