
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Potting shed....

Hi Everyone!  Happy Sunday!  I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  I thought I'd show you the shed that I am using as my Potting Shed.  In it's former life this shed was a pig farrowing house, a chicken coop, and then it was moved to this farm where it became a coop for wild turkey's (the eggs from wild turkey's were hatched by a chicken hen), a storage shed, and now it's my potting shed.  It hasn't lived a glamorous life, but I'm ready to transform it by fixin' it up a bit.
I painted it barn red to match the color of the big barn on the south side of the house (this sits on the North side of the house).   It use to be behind the machine shed, but my dear brother moved it for me so now it sits along the fence line that is between the garden and the main yard.  There is a door on both sides of the building so you can access it from the yard or the garden.  The goose belonged to my grandmother and has seen better days.  One of it's wings has fallen off.  So it's in need of some TLC.
Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to fix it up.  Any ideas?  Well, thanks for stopping by.

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