
Friday, May 13, 2011

Bookcase made from recycled wood...

Hi Everyone!  Now that blogger is back up and working, here is one of the posts that I did that was lost.  I wanted to show you the bookcase I made to replace the one that sold at the shop.  It's made from recycled boards that were given to me.  I love it when wood is free!  It makes me happy to know that it didn't just go in the landfill or into some one's burn pile.

 I forgot to take a picture of it empty before I loaded it up with merchandise to sell.  All pieces have to double as display pieces because the shop is not that big.
I painted it cream and then put an antique glaze on top of it and sanded it down.  I like how it turned out and if it doesn't sell I have the perfect spot for it in my living room.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. This is lovely. I have aspirations to make a bookcase someday...

  2. This looks wonderful, great use of the wood which could otherwise been thrown away!

  3. I love this! I'd like to invite you to post it on Masterpiece Monday at Boogieboard Cottage. The link will be up all week, I hope you can join in. Have a nice week, Mary :O)

  4. I like the glaze effect. Please add my link or button for the party. Thanks

  5. nice project, love free stuff! blogger lost one of my posts too!

  6. loving it soo much! love the decorations in it as well, looks great!!

    btw i'm your new follower from homemakeronadime blog hop party!


  7. What a lovely project! Thanks for linking up at the CBPH :)

  8. Holly... the bookcase looks great! I love it too when I get free stuff and keep it out of the lanfill.
