
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Display easel...

Hi Everyone!  I'm still busy working on the bench that was ordered this past weekend, not to mention the other four projects I have going on plus work and caring for the puppies.  But I wanted to share with you a custom order I did recently for a client.  My client has this wallpaper border in her shop and she wanted a stand that would go with the border that she could use to set announcements on and could also go with the decor when it wasn't needed for announcements. 

So this is what I made for her.  I drew a jug shape and a crock shape out of 1" pine and used my handy dandy jig saw to cut it out.  Then sanded the pieces and painted them.  Then using some left over plywood for the back and scrap pieces of wood, made the easel portion.  I sanded and painted those pieces and then glued and nailed the jug and crock to the plywood.
I liked how it turned out.  And so did my client.  Although I've been in there several times and I've yet to see her use it to display announcements on.  I guess my timing is off.  Well, thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. That is super cute. Great way to pickup the elements from the border.
