
Thursday, May 5, 2011

One Lovely Blog...

Hi Everyone!  I received a very nice comment from Toqua's Crafts where she awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award.  She had nice things to say about my baseball shelf and wreath stand.  Thank you! 

Now to fulfill the requirements for the award.....7 things about me...
1.  I wanted to be a Veterinarian when I was a child.
2.  I hate mushy food.  It makes me gag.
3.  My favorite ice cream is vanilla.
4.  My favorite color is blue.
5.  I have to sleep every night with a fan on or the tv on in order to get a good nights sleep.
6.  I am a night owl but my dogs get me up with the sun.
7.  I have curly, thick hair that has a mind all it's own.

Now to pass the award on....I know it says to pass it on to 15 blogs, but I think I'd rather just pass it on to one deserving blog...and the award goes to....Red Hen Home.

Korrie has some amazing signs and you know how I am all about the signs.  This is my favorite one.

courtesy of Red Hen Home

And look at her sunshine toy box.  It makes me smile!
courtesy of Red Hen Home

So I am awarding the One Lovely Blog Award to Korrie.  If you have been to her blog, stop by and take a look around.  Thanks for stopping by.