
Monday, May 9, 2011

What happened to spring?....

Hi Everyone!  Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a great Mother's Day weekend.  I planted flowers for my mom in the brick bed outside my parents front door and my dad cooked.  It was a nice time. 

So now I'm wondering what happened to spring.  We just went from needing the heat on to needing the air conditioner.  The temperature today was in the high 90's!  Like 96!  And tomorrow is suppose to be just as hot if not hotter.  So before all my spring flowers disappear, I thought I'd share a few pictures of them.

My dogs went to the vet today and got a clean bill of health.  In fact, he was very impressed by them.  They weren't wild and crazy like some puppies are and by the end of the appointment they were all asleep.  So it was a good day but I didn't get any projects done.  But I did get an order last night for a headboard bench.  So all other projects (besides the puppies) will be one hold until I get this bench done.  Thanks for stopping by.

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