
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A sign...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Tuesday!  I wanted to share with you the latest sign I've made.  It's simple and sweet, yet bold.  I just can't decide if the letters need a black shadow or not.  What do you think?

It's on a scrap of board that I found hiding under a pile of other boards.  I painted it black, then white, then pewter gray.  Next I lightly sanded it because I knew I was going to hand paint the letters in white, so I didn't want too much white showing through, and I like the subtleness of the sanding.  Some places the paint is gone down to the board which helps give it character.  Then of course I painted the letters.  White letters on a dark color always looks bold but takes so many coats!  I'm happy with how it turned out.  But does it need the black shadow??  Well, thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. For those one...I vote "no" for the shadow. Looks great as is!
