
Friday, July 15, 2011

My first Chalk paint project...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Friday!  I'm so sorry I've been MIA lately.  I've been working on projects trying to get ready for two craft fairs and I've been busy with work.  You know how it gets.  I wanted to share with you the first project I did with Chalk paint.  This is a piano bench that I've had since I was around 8 years old.  I had a really cool, antique (even back then) upright piano.  We moved to a new town and it was to be the last thing loaded on the moving truck, but it did not fit.  So we had to leave it behind, but the piano bench had already been packed.  And this is all I have left.  I never took lessons again because of course no piano to practice on.  But this bench has moved around with me and has been living in a corner of my living room with family pictures on it.  I recently moved it to the end of the couch I made but haven't been happy with the color.
Or the two-tone look. And I've never wanted to refinish it and have always been a little nervous about painting it.  But I'm not sure why.  So I thought this was a great first project for me to try out chalk paint.
 What an ugly orange inside.  I just had to show you the inside too.
 And here it is now with Country Grey.  The top took two coats of  paint to cover that water stain and keep the red mahogany color from coming through.
 I lightly sanded the edges and places where feet would hit the stretcher at the bottom.
I know the book that came with my kit said to wax and then sand, I did it the opposite.  I'll have to try it the other way too and see what the difference is.  I used the clear wax and then the dark wax but only in a few places.
And I really like the way it turned out.  I liked not having to prime it and then paint it, but even if I had, the top color would most likely have needed two coats because that red and water stain have been there forever!  Overall I'm really happy with the chalk paint.  I can't wait to try out the other colors.  Well, thanks for stopping by.


  1. It looks great! I've recently purchased some ASCP also and I'm painting everything in sight. I LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to see what else you do.

  2. It looks great! Glad you liked the chalk paint; I look forward to seeing what you do next!

  3. It looks great! :) I have such a hard time with the wax. hmph!
