
Friday, August 5, 2011

Busy weeks....

Hi Everyone!  Happy Friday!  Sorry I've been absent the last week and half or so.  My niece has been here and the weather has been horrid!  Too hot to get anything done in the shop so I've turned my house into workspace, more than it had been.  My mom has been sick for 10 days!  She's actually been sick on and off since the middle of May and it finally reached critical stage.  She hasn't been able to keep much of anything down and she finally went to the Dr last week.  It took lots of tests and a week of waiting for results to discover that she has a parasite.  They think she caught it when they went to my nephew's graduation.  They were able to give her medicine on Wednesday that she's to take for 3 days and if she isn't better by then, the next step is to be hospitalized for some knock you down kind of medicine.  She has zero energy, but that's because she hasn't been able to keep food down.  So we are hoping that by tomorrow she'll turn the corner on this and start feeling better.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

My mom was to take my niece back to school shopping, but since she wasn't able to, I took her.  I don't have any children so that was an experience for me.  Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera with me.  Our first stop was to Goodwill where she found the majority of the clothes she bought.  And I made a find too.  I got this wooden bowl for 2.99.  I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet, but it looked so lonely on the shelf that I just had to bring it with me.  They had a really cool dresser that I would have loved to bring home to paint, but we didn't take the pick-up, so there was no way to get it home and I had to keep telling myself that I was there for my niece and not for furniture!
We also got fabric to cover the headboard that I'm sending home with her but I'll share that with you later.  I upholstered it Wednesday night, but forgot to take pictures of it.  Now that things are getting closer to being back to normal around here, I'll get back to projects and posting on a regular bases again.  I haven't even had to time to look at all the great posts I've missed.  I'm looking forward to getting caught up on all that you've been up to.  Thanks for stopping by!

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