
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Headboard city....

Hi Everyone!  Happy Saturday!  Sorry it's been a week since I posted anything but know that I've been hard at work getting ready for another craft fair.  I have to admit that I haven't been that good this past week of taking pics of the things I've been working on, so I will definitely have to get some great after shots to make up for it.  My next craft fair is next weekend.  It is the big one for me.  This year is the 52nd year of the Clarinda Craft Carnival.  It has gotten so big that it is held in five different locations around town.  I am located in the Pavilion which is a block off of the main town square.  People come from all over to participate and to shop.  So I've been spending every spare moment trying to get ready. 

 So I thought I'd show you the headboards that Mom and I picked up a couple of weeks ago that I'm now turning into benches.  Mom found a great used furniture store to find headboards.  And since I buy so many from him, he gives me a great deal.  All of these headboards are full size.  I haven't done anything with this one yet.
 I'm currently working on this headboard and I'm making my first ever without arms.  I took apart another headboard that I wasn't crazy about that I've had for about a year and am using the posts to create legs and then I have plans for the back of the headboard, but you'll have to wait to see that.
 I'm also working on this one for a client.  After I picked these up, I emailed her pictures and let her decide which one she wanted and this is the one I thought she'd pick, my mom thought she'd want the next one, but I was right.  I could just see her with this one.
I'm also working on this one and should have this one and the armless one all ready for the craft fair next weekend.  Don't you just love the posts on this one.  I'll show you the after pics just as soon as I can.  And hopefully it will go home with someone that loves it, next weekend.  Thanks for stopping by. 

1 comment:

  1. great beds!
    I won't be taking any benches to glendale. :( I've got no way to transport them. Well, I have a twin, that "might" fit in my suv. hmmmm
    It's the "welcome" bench. It still hasn't sold up at the booth. I really thought it would go quickly. Good Luck! I hope you have great weather.
    We are suppose to have good weather ptly sunny and 75!!
