
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Wooden Christmas Ornaments...

Hi Everyone!  I hope you are having a great day!  I wanted to share with you some of the ornaments we've been making.  And by we, I mean my mother and I.  Mom has been a lot of help in this department.  I took decorated trees and ornaments to the craft fair in September (I know it's early but believe it or not they sold very well) and then to this last fair a couple of weeks ago.  So I thought I'd start out by sharing the ornaments.  I'll show you the trees tomorrow.  I know the pictures a little hard to see since I neglected to take pictures of the ornaments before the fair.

I used these and others to decorate the trees that I sold.  I'll have to get them out and take some better pictures of them.  Thanks for stopping by.

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