
Saturday, November 19, 2011

The end of fair season...

Hi Everyone!  Happy Saturday!  I know I've been missing this week.  Last Saturday was my last fair of the season.  It went pretty well.  The parking lot at the facility was all torn up so there was limited parking which I think hurt as there weren't nearly as many customers as there normally were.  I still managed to sell quite a few things including a bench, lots of tress, and some one of a kind items.  I'll show more in the next few days.  One of the things that sold right away was Hank, the snowman post.
The gal that bought him was so excited when she saw him and picked him up right away and said she just had to have him.  It always makes me smile to see people get excited about their purchases.  So I know he went to someone who will appreciate him.
I ended the day last Saturday with several orders so I had a total of 10 things I needed to make.  I managed to cut that to 4 on Tuesday and then picked up another order on Wednesday.  Tuesday I started getting a cold and by Wednesday morning it was a full blown cold.  So needless to say, I haven't gotten anything else done this week besides going to work.  I'm feeling a bit better today, so I will be hitting the shop this afternoon to get going on these five orders.  I need to get them done soon! 

I got some exciting news on Sunday.  My nephew Ridge, who is joining the Marines and is leaving in December, will be coming here for a few days!  I am so excited.  I was afraid I wasn't going to get to see him before he left. 
I bought him a train ticket and my parents and I are picking him up a week from tomorrow.  He'll be here for a few days and then my parents will take him to meet his Dad where he will stay for a few more days before heading back home and then leaving for boot camp.  I'm so proud of him and can't wait to see him!  So I must get things done despite my cold!  I hope you all have a great weekend!  Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you season is over--you need to rest! hahahah

    I wish the best for Ridge! :)

