
Friday, December 30, 2011


Hi Everyone!  I hope you are having a great day.  I wanted to share a little story with you.  40 years ago, a little girl named Rhonda Jean was given a new life with a future full of possibilities.  She was 10 months old when she left Foster Care and was given her forever family.  A family that had a terrific Father, a loving Mother, a great older brother, and countless other wonderful relatives.  Rhonda was adopted.  Here is a picture of Rhonda on the first day with her new family.  She is sitting on the table with her new Great-Aunt Thelma (the twin sister of her new Grandmother).  They are at her new Grandparents home.

The little girl's new family decided since she was getting a "new life" she might as well have a new name too.  And in case you hadn't guessed, that little girl is me.  Thank goodness they changed my name to Holly.  I don't think Rhonda fit too well.  So thanks to Mom and Dad for adopting me!  I am thankful to them for the life I've been able to live and for a loving family.

It seems ironic to me that the home they brought me to on my first day in the family is the very home I now live in.  Life really does come full circle.  Well, thanks for indulging me on this little trip down memory lane.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Happy New Year to you! I love the name Holly better than Rhonda as well. So glad you were brought home to a wonderful family.

  2. Happy tears! :) What a wonderful story! What a way to start a new year, with a new family!
    Happy New Year Holly!

  3. yay! i love adoption! we will adopt in a few years! we have no idea if we can or can't have kids but we definitely both have a heart for adoption so we're going that route!
