
Monday, January 23, 2012

Cold weather art...

Hi Everyone!  I hope you had a great weekend.  It was cold and windy here.  I got a few projects finished and several others started.  But no building of anything new. 
I started working on a window art project but it's a long process because things have to dry really well before you move onto another step.  So hopefully I'll have something to share in a few days.  I also started some new signs.  Again, there are several layers there so more waiting.  That's why I usually have several projects going on at once.  Sometimes I feel like I have ADD...can't stick to one thing at a time.  I think it's because I have limited time to get things done and I try to make the most of that time.  I can't imagine what I'd get done if I didn't have to go to work.
I did make these.  I took a couple of blank canvas boards that I found in my stash.  I painted them white.  Even though the canvas is already white it still needed a coat of white.  I found this clipart on line, can't remember from what site.  I printed it out so I had something to reference and sketched this onto the canvas.  You could also use graphite paper to transfer it or a stencil but of course I don't have any of those on hand. 

Then I painted it black.  Now I'm trying to find just the right frames to put them in.  I'm thinking of a couple of nice thick frames with loads of character and some chippy paint.   If I can't find any that I like I'll make them.  I have some nice trim pieces that would make great frames.  Well, hopefully I'll have more to share tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hi there~
    Just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on your Leibster Award from JoAnn!
    Nice to meet you and I'll be following you-
    can't wait to see what you're doing with this project. :)

  2. Cold and windy weather can be the best thing for making me hunker down and crack on with some lovely crafting. Your prints look gorgeous!! Looks like bad weather is good for you!


  3. can't wait to see what you do with the window. I have recently picked up 2 & I can't decide what project I want to do!

  4. ohh, great job painting the damask! fabulous.
    I need to make a bench. I have most of the pieces in the basement to start, but since I just spent all that time figuring out the cupboard, I am not ready to start figuring out a bench. It's a spool bed, too short, and larger than a twin. 3/4 ?? full ?? I dunno. I don't want to start it.
    I know your next project will be fabulous!!!
